a 9-week speaking confidence program with an unconventional twist.

Instead of the old school emphasis on changing your voice, gestures, and style, I use a 'try less' approach that prioritizes authentic confidence from within. This gets rid of performance anxiety and welcomes genuine magnetism. 

for creatives & entrepreneurs

You want to post unique content on social

You’re multi-niche & don’t want a stuffy “professional” brand you’re dying to claw out of.

You want the freedom to experiment with quirky and unconventional ways of expressing yourself.

you dream of sharing your story

You’ve overcome some tough sh*t in your life & you want to share your story to help others in that same position.

You keep pushing it off…but now…you’re ready to share your transformation story in a honest & impactful way.


You want to feel free to be yourself in groups, on lives, & on camera & get spirit-aligned opportunities.

But right now your mind draws a complete blank when you’re on the spot. You’re ready to build speaking confidence that you can use anywhere you go.

be memorable by ditching comparison

It's so common to get caught up in emulating someone we admire or what we already see out there.

But here's the truth – you're a one-of-a-kind bitc*; there's literally nobody else on this planet who looks and sounds exactly like you.

When you push yourself to be "louder," "more interesting," or "smarter," it comes off as inauthentic, and, worst of all, it hinders your natural speaking flow.

If you’re ready to embrace your true self, feel clarity in your identity, and unleash the unique magnetism in your presence, then I welcome you to Speak with StarPower.

My 4 Step Process

After the program, you’ll be able to…

Feel the thrill of taking risks, like saying "yes" to speaking in front of a big group or going live on Instagram.

Be able to have an idea for a post and then just point and shoot without overthinking it all.

Not only understand what makes you unique but you’ll build an “in-love” relationship to your starpower presence

Make a mistake during a webinar & think, "Oh, that’s awkward,” but you keep moving on.

Learn a loving way to improve upon yourself, without guilt & internal pressure.

watch 90 seconds of evidence

Whenever I see testimonials, I always think…well that’s just a few top performing people from the group.

But let me share a stat with you:

20 people went through my speaking program in 2023.

18 had pretty incredible transformations. (watch video)

AND I have written testimonials from those that aren’t on video.

There are a few interesting reasons why my program works:

1) I’m a pretty fun person. I enjoy curating experiences that are unique, enjoyable and make you want to come back.

So my attendance rate is very high. It’s not a program you drag your feet going to.

2) I help you focus on being interested VS interesting.

Instead of trying to sound more interesting to others, which is very hard to measure & control.

I help you become more interested in speaking.

Turns out, when you put less pressure on yourself, you actually enjoy it more and then audiences enjoy your presence more.

personalized coaching:

Group Coaching

There will be a 3 group coaching calls to help you overcome any roadblocks that may come up

Personalized Presentation/Workshop Strategies

I'll provide feedback on recorded presentations, workshops, social posts and live events to help you standout based on your natural strengths. I’ll share methods to make your messaging more potent.

Coach in Your Pocket

Ask me questions with audio & video in Slack. Think of me as a lil Jiminy Cricket to help you connect back to yourself and help you move through any roadblocks with speaking, social media, career, or your business.

How it Works

Community share:

My program attracts people who are passionate about self-growth and are ambitious. My community is predominantly made up of women, POC, & people who speak English as a second language.

Speaking Playroom

A safe and loving space to practice sharing in groups. You share with your values, personality & authentic style.

We’ll meet weekly (3x/month), sessions are Wednesdays at 3pm PT/6pm ET* (I may set up a 2nd call in the AM if not everyone can make this time)

Camera & Audio Confidence Practice

Every week, you'll have prompts to share your personal insights and breakthroughs on camera and audio. This will help you to build confidence sharing your thoughts and ideas in a group setting.

Tangible Assets:

Your Starpower Blueprint

Discover your unique speaking style and learn how to embody it in your communication style to attract clients and opportunities that feel like a “fuc* yeah!” in your body.

Lifetime Access to Modules

Receive weekly videos, you’ll spend 20-40 mins watching these.

You’ll also receive a Bonus 1:1 session

We're gonna bust through the "mysterious" reasons you’re not wanting to be seen. It will feel healing and as someone put it "like I just came out of an indigenous ceremony.

Want a hybrid group & 1:1 experience? 

VIP package (3 spots available)

This Includes:

Group Coaching

Presentation/Workshop Audits

Camera & Audio Confidence Practice

Presentation Practice Playroom

Your Unique Speaking Blueprint

Lifetime Access to Modules

Slack Access

4 x 60 mins 1:1's 

Topics We’ll Go Deep On

  • Starpower comes from feeling comfortable in your skin no matter what happens. Learn to bounce back from mistakes & maintain your speaking flow.

  • When you reject fear, it creates MORE discomfort in the body. This leads to symptoms like scattered brain, shakiness, profuse sweating, and not being present at all when you speak.

    Fear is natural. We’ll practice inviting fear, rejection and discomfort, so it becomes your bitc*

  • You'll learn how to access the brain's reward system, creating new neural pathways that link good feels to speaking.

  • We all have past speaking experiences that have left a negative mark. Maybe a manager gave you a bad review, a teacher embarrassed you, or a team member made fun of your accent. These experiences can stick with us for years, even if we think “its no big deal” now.

    I’ll take you on a journey to those memories and update them with wisdom & love.

  • My intense work ethic helped me get a dream career but it also made me really hard on myself.

    Now, I use a system that sets light, energizing expectations. This helps me enjoy staying in the spotlight.

  • Most people put on a "professional" and "smart" act when presenting or on video.

    This actually blocks your natural speaking flow & your starpower.

    You'll uncover more of your natural strengths without any forcing or pushing.

  • One of the things that have helped me the most, is being able to think on my feet. When things get weird or I get thrown off by a weird question, I’m able to respond quickly without a freak out moment.

Speaking confidence gave me these opportunities:

  • I've hosted over 250 events & spoke at 25+ conferences, including some with audiences of over 1,000 people.

  • I've created programs and workshops for big brands like Shopify, Cisco, Coach, and Adobe being my fun, weird self. One of my courses gets 500 downloads a day!

  • I've built a social media presence that brings incredible opportunities straight to my DMs like being asked to do a workshop in the Austrian Alps for a leaders retreat.

  • Adobe sponsored my dream of making digital design education accessible, I created a FREE UX Course with RCA Records with over 300 students and got paid well to do it!

I’m a recovering perfectionist…

I was a professional speaker and built a brand around being a quirky designer, but after 2 years I was burnt out and anxious because I spent hours perfecting my posts, videos & presentations.

I took 5 months off to heal, and came back with a new intention: build a business based on well-being. I created a system that allows me to handle rejection, imperfections, and pressure with a lot less fucks.

Now, I am able to tap into my own starpower & magnetism without the heavy energy I used to carry. I love giving starpower glow ups to my clients.

Your quirks are your secret weapon


You need to be a joke-telling entertainer, the best storyteller, and never show insecurity to have impact.


The thing you’re often afraid to show is what makes you stand the fuck out!

People aren't drawn to perfection; they're drawn to your energy and imperfect humanity.


This community is filled with curious, ambitious & quirky mofos who want to do something meaningful in the world.

It’s so freakin’ healing to be around others who truly support and listen to you.

“I’ve never experienced anything like this. Listening to audio & video from others that is so supportive and the video comments from Elizé to us are just wonderful.”

-Rosie, Product Designer

Want a taste of what it’s like to work with me?

watch this workshop “3 steps to ted talk confidence” to catch a vibe.