Building a powerful presence comes from owning your quirks & embracing imperfections.

Waiting Tables to Coaching


Singer & Waitress


UX Design Director


UX Agency Founder


Adobe Speaker

& Educator


Speaking Coach

In 2015, I had my “mid-20s life crisis.”

I was a singer & a college dropout and realized that my dreams of becoming the next Lady Gaga wasn’t going to happen for me. So, there I was, juggling gigs as a waitress, nanny, and Uber driver, feeling utterly lost and confused.

During this time, both my parents were going through some tough times with mental illness and homelessness. I was afraid that my path would end up similar to theirs.

Life threw another curveball

When my "afraid-of-everything" grandma suddenly passed away at the age of 59. It hit me hard, I realized I had to stop making decisions from a place of fear.

I decided to go on a 6-month solo backpacking adventure.

I did all sorts of wild things like skinny dipping with a crush on a surfing island in the Philippines, taught little boys English at a monk school, and meditated for 10 hours a day at a silent retreat in Burma.

When I came back, I felt actually capable of handling life’s curveballs. I went from being a waitress to becoming a Design Director in less than a year. I conquered those nagging doubts of being uneducated and not good enough.

So, I actually CAN turn dreams into reality?

I started a UX agency, built a social media presence, and became a speaker for major brands.

I became addicted to intentionally overcoming my inner fears.

My mission is to help other women gain the confidence to express their thoughts, aspirations, and dreams.

My programs blend speaking, personal development, mindfulness, somatic work, neuroscience, energy awareness, and strategy. I’ve created a system for lifelong authentic confidence.

I also loooovvvve singing karaoke…

…dressing up like a grandma, shaking my ass to live music, and sometimes all at the same time. ;)

You can also catch me playing beach volleyball with my husband and showering my dog with a creepy amount of kisses.