Stop Worrying About Filler Words for Public Speaking

Have you ever heard someone give a public talk and noticed them using filler words such as "um" or "uh"? If so, you’re not alone. Filler words are commonplace in public speaking and can be distracting to listeners. But here’s the thing—you should stop worrying about filler words! In fact, they can actually be an asset to your public speaking skills if used correctly. Let's take a closer look.

The Benefits of Using Filler Words

When it comes to speaking publicly, it is normal to feel anxious or nervous. As a result, many people use filler words such as "um" or "uh" as a way to buy time and think about what they want to say next. This allows speakers to form coherent thoughts without having an awkward pause in their presentation. In addition, filler words can also add an element of intimacy and authenticity to a speaker’s delivery that can help the audience relate and engage with the speaker more easily.

Filler Words Are Normal

Another important thing to remember is that using filler words is completely normal! We all do it – even experienced public speakers who have years of experience under their belt. No one is immune from using them; however, some people are better at disguising them or making them less noticeable than others. The key is to accept that this is part of the process and practice ways to make your filler words less intrusive on your overall talk.

Tips for Reducing Filler Words

Here are some tips for reducing the amount of filler words in your talks: • Slow down - Speaking too quickly often leads to more filler words being used, so try slowing down your delivery speed slightly when presenting • Pause - When you reach natural breaks in your speech (when transitioning topics for example), take a brief pause instead of relying on fillers • Rehearse - Rehearsal can help you become more familiar with your material which will make it easier for you when delivering it live • Record yourself - Recording yourself speaking can help you identify any moments where you rely heavily on fillers so that you can make adjustments before presenting live

It’s okay to use filler words while giving presentations—it's extremely common! Rather than worrying about avoiding them completely, focus on reducing their frequency by slowing down during presentations, pausing between topics, rehearsing before hand and recording yourself beforehand if possible. Your audience will thank you because they'll be able to understand what you're saying more clearly! And don't forget—even experienced public speakers use fillers too! So relax and enjoy the presentation!


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