Public Speaking Tips: Be Yourself

We’ve all been there — you’re asked to give a presentation or do an impromptu speech, and the last thing you want to do is get up in front of the room and make a fool of yourself. But fear not! Here are some tips on how to have an authentic presence when you speak in public.

Fake it Till You Make It? Not so Much.

It may seem like a good idea to take on a persona when speaking in public, but it's always best to just be yourself. There's nothing more awkward than trying to act like someone else while giving a presentation — it's unnatural, and your audience will be able to tell that you're not being genuine. The key is to let your personality shine through, rather than trying too hard to sound or act like someone else. Being real and relatable will go much further with your audience than any forced attempt at acting cool or witty ever could.

Be Prepared

One of the best ways to ensure that you have an authentic presence when speaking in public is by being prepared! Spend time researching your topic and writing out what you want to say ahead of time so that you don't have to worry about forgetting what you were going to say or stumbling over words during your presentation. Having an outline or script can also help make sure that you stay on track and don't get sidetracked by questions from the audience or other distractions. Finally, practice makes perfect — practice delivering your presentation several times before the big day so that you know exactly what points you want to hit and how best to express them.

Make Eye Contact & Smile

Another important tip for having an authentic presence when speaking in public is making eye contact with members of the audience and smiling throughout your presentation. This helps establish a connection between you and your audience, which can make it easier for them—and yourself—to relax during the talk. Plus, smiling sends positive vibes throughout the room! Of course, this doesn't mean that you have to maintain eye contact with everyone in attendance at all times (that would be nearly impossible!), but try not take too long between glances around the room as this could make it look like you are uncomfortable with the situation or lack confidence in your material.

Public speaking can be intimidating, but if done right it can also be fun! Just remember these few tips for having an authentic presence when speaking in public: don't try too hard; prepare beforehand; make eye contact & smile; and most importantly — be yourself! With enough practice and preparation, anyone can become a confident speaker who has no problem connecting with their audience authentically from start-to-finish. Good luck!


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