I shamelessly want money, power, and fame.

Why I feel comfortable saying that loud & proud NOW and didn’t before, is because I don't NEED any of it to feel damn good with myself.

I know what real success feels like: Feeling happy to die.

I don’t WANT to die, but if I happened to get run over by a semi-truck today, know that I felt fulfilled in this life.

I’ve been loved deeply & seen by a few people and I've helped some people along the way.

So it’s kinda like what now?

With the new lunar year and it being the year of the dragon, I’ve felt a new powerful energy emerging since December.

I kept telling my coach, “I’m ready to pop people’s lids off.” I didn’t know what the hell it meant.

What I didn’t realize is that I was popping my own lid off. Last year was all about deep self compassion, growing my business in a way that felt peacefully productive and getting coached by incredible women.

But this year's energy is about awakening to our power. This power isn’t fueled by greed, control, ego and fear, like most of the power we’ve experienced. (big corporations, politics, repressed men in power positions). This energy is fueled by love. It may sound hokey or impossible but I’ve experienced it through my own business. 

It’s kinda simple. I love & trust myself enough to follow my desires. I work on showing up authentically in my marketing: sharing my fears, anxieties and wins. Because of this, I’ve attracted clients that I love & can be myself around.

I love where the bulk of my money goes, to other women of color in business. It’s a beautiful synergy.

This is the foundation of my business. And as I continue to grow, I will continue to come back & make decisions from love. I’m constantly reminding myself that I’m doing this because it feels good, not because I have to.

Okay, let’s get back to money and power! muahahahahha

Now that I’ve gotten to this place, I want to help others do the same. Why?

My mission has evolved, it’s like spirit has now given me the next step on my journey. 

Phase 1: Help people with self-love

Phase 2: Help people with self-love create businesses with a foundation of love.

I read a quote this weekend from multi-millionaire James Altucher that ROCKED me to the core. It helped me understand my desire for power.  

“The world is mentally ill. And investors take advantage of that.”

The most ill people on this planet have the most power and I deeply want this to change.

I told my spirit "okay, let's fucking do it" and as simply as that, I dedicated myself to building power through money, influence and success in the material sense. I am a soldier fighting for a new world. 

But I feel more like Frodo Baggins when he’s shocked that a little hobbit like him can hold all the power of the world. (in a ring)

People always ask me "how you can feel ambitious if it’s not based on some sort of fear?" This has been the framework we’ve been taught. Work hard, don’t feel your feelings, and take what you can. This is what causes burnout and feeling like nothing is ever enough. This is what drives people to either take advantage of others through power or feel taken advantage of.   

It’s understandable that this framework has worked. We’re animals highly motivated by fear. But the fear is an illusion in this era.

Here’s the thing: most of us are living in survival mode (fear of losing our jobs, fear of not having a big savings, fear of being judged etc) when in fact you are living in pure luxury.

We live better than most kings and queens of history. I can pick up 12 types of ice cream at Ralphs whenever I want, I kick on my heating if it's under 50 degrees outside, I can order takeout and feast on thai noodles whenever I please, I have freedom to speak my mind without being burned at the stake, and I can freely choose my life partner or choose to have 20 life partners.

I’m living a life of pure luxury compared to all my female ancestors.

For so many years, my ancestors literally HAD to take action from fear. My grandma risked her life fleeing Korea during the war to avoid an arranged marriage. 

My great grandma of like 20 generations ago left France to start a new life in Canada. She was a protestant during a time of widespread slaughter of French Protestants by Catholics.

She left everyone she knew, risked her life traveling in a boat for 6 months with disease and sickness, then endured the struggles of building a country from scratch with harsh winters and conflicts with Native Americans. 

We’ve been motivated by fear for so long. The fear to survive nature (Weather, animals, etc). The fear for our freedom. (Especially as a woman or person of color). We’ve been motivated for fear and have been fighting for millions of years.

Luxury is so new, we don't even realize we have it.

Not everyone in this era is lucky enough to have these freedom, but I am. Most of you reading this are. 

What do we do with this freedom our ancestors worked so hard for? 

Do we give up all our energy, inspiration, creativity, joy, and rest to stress-inducing machines?

I’m not. I honor my ancestors by being free as fuck in this lifetime. I honor them by creating a new world with powerful & loving leaders. Or at least I’ll know I've tried.

I want to help the people who don’t want power, who are afraid of power, who’ve been burned by power but also deeply want to see a difference in the world. You are the secret visionaries of our time.

The power you will become will be nothing like the power you’ve seen. 

If you’re ready to get your lid popped off.

Join my free gathering on February 27th: The Feminine Approach to Business


Scattered Brain During Public Speaking