How to Conquer Presentation Fear with Self Compassion

Public speaking is nerve-wracking for everyone, especially in tech. You might be feeling the pressure to give an amazing presentation and worry about failure or letting down your peers. But don’t worry—you can conquer those fears with a bit of self compassion! Let’s take a look at how it works.

The Power Of Positive Thinking

When you’re feeling nervous about presenting, it’s easy to slip into a negative mindset and start thinking that you won’t do well or that people won’t like your presentation. This will only make things worse and add extra stress to an already difficult situation. Instead, try to focus on positive thoughts. Remind yourself of all the hard work you put into preparing for the presentation and all the knowledge you have to share—that will help boost your confidence!

Encouraging Self Talk

In addition to positive thinking, encouraging self talk is key when it comes to overcoming presentation fear. Before your presentation, take a few minutes to sit quietly and practice some positive affirmations. Saying things like “I am confident in my abilities” or “I have worked hard and deserve success” can help erase any doubts that may be creeping in and leave you feeling more relaxed and prepared.

Take Deep Breaths

Finally, if you feel like your nerves are getting the best of you before going up on stage, take some deep breaths! This simple act can help calm down your racing heart and ease any tension in your body so that you can focus on delivering the best possible presentation. Taking deep breaths also gives you something else to concentrate on besides your fear, which can be really helpful when dealing with anxiety-inducing situations like public speaking! 


Self compassion is an incredibly powerful tool for conquering presentation fear, as it helps shift our mindsets away from negative thoughts towards ones of positivity and encouragement. With regular practice of positive thinking, encouraging self talk, and mindful breathing techniques we can learn how to face our fears head-on while still being kinder and gentler with ourselves during moments of vulnerability. So next time you have a presentation coming up, remember these tips–they just might help you turn those pre-presentation jitters into excitement!


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