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Brands I’ve Worked With

I've discovered how to...

I've discovered how to...

  • Go from crippling anxiety to ENJOYING the sh** out of speaking

  • Feel a sense of peace even if I completely fuc* up a presentation

  • Be a confident speaker by embracing imperfections

Why I’m a Coach

Growing up, my dad was my rock, but he battled depression and alcoholism throughout his life.

When he came out as gay, I thought he would find peace - but years of living in fear and shame had taken their toll. He spiraled into homelessness and severe mental illness.

It broke my heart. But it also taught me an invaluable lesson - be true to yourself, even when it's scary AF.

I've chosen to live by this mantra, making decisions based on my passions rather than my fears. It's led me to doing vulnerable talks in front of thousands of people, leaving a 6 figure salary as a designer to start a coaching business, and discovering more of myself on solo travels to obscure places like Kyrgyzstan.

I believe that true success lies in the ability to live life on my own terms, and my mission is to inspire others to do the same.

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